Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Access Control List (ACL) filter (command)

  • Access-list number    Identifies the access list using a number in the range 100 – 999 (extended IP ACL) 2000 – 2699 (expanded IP ACLs)
  • Deny    Denies access if the conditions are matched
  • Permit    Permits access if the conditions are match
  • Remark    Indicates whether this entry allows or blocks the specified address. Could also be used to enter a remark.
  • Protocol    Name or number of an internet protocol. Common keyword include ICMP IP, TCP or UDP
  • Source    Number of the network or host from which the packet is being sent
  • Source-wildcard    Wildcard bit to be applied to source
  • Destination    Number of the network or host to which the packet is being sent
  • Destination wild-card    Wildcard bit to be applied to the destination
  • Port    The decimal number or name of a TCP or UDP port
  • Established     For the TCP protocol only; indicates an established connection.
  • Operator   
    • lt (less than) 
    • gt (greater than)
    • eq (equal)
    • neq (not equal)

Source: http://www.orbit-computer-solutions.com/Access-Control-Lists-%28ACL%29.php

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